
Fully Licensed & Accredited Treatment Center

Milestone Addiction Treatment Center holds accreditations from a range of esteemed associations and organizations, underscoring its commitment to providing top-quality care.


Trusted By The Cherry Hill Community

For many years, Milestone Addiction Treatment Center has been a pivotal part of the Cherry Hill community, earning its status as a respected ally in addiction recovery.


Years of Experience

Many years of experience in the recovery space. This wealth of experience has equipped us with the knowledge and expertise to offer the most effective recovery strategies, tailoring our approach to each individual's journey towards healing.


Know Your Destination

Helping You, Help Yourself. Take Your Recovery to the Next Level.

The Milestone Recovery IOP program offers daily treatment session for multiple weeks. The exact program length will vary according to each person's ongoing care needs and lifestyle. You or your loved one will get help from an expert team of doctors, therapists and support professionals for a well-rounded care experience at our New Jersey addiction treatment center.

New Jersey Insurances We Accept

We also accept insurances from other providers, please contact us to verify if you are covered.


As a leading Addiction Treatment Center in New Jersey, we specialize in outpatient services, dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming alcohol dependence and drug use, and guiding them towards recovery.

At Milestone Addiction Treatment Center, we're committed to facilitating sustainable recovery with advanced, evidence-based treatment approaches, delivered by a caring team. Addiction Treatment Center offers unparalleled rehabilitation services the tri-state area, aiming to be your premier choice for comprehensive care. We focus on your health and well-being in a setting that combines luxury with proven treatment methods, ensuring we meet every aspect of our patients' needs—physical, emotional, and psychological.


Discover Our Advanced Addiction Recovery Programs

In our tranquil New Jersey addiction treatment facility, a dedicated 24/7 team of skilled nurses and clinicians provide comprehensive care. Each treatment, encompassing mental health, is conducted in our secure environment by our supportive team.

Our outpatient programs offer a holistic approach to each individual's journey. From the initial evaluation through to the completion of treatment, encompassing both individual and group therapies, behavioral sessions, counseling, and aftercare planning, we ensure every patient is equipped with the necessary tools and support for sustained sobriety and a confident step towards continued recovery.


Medically Monitored Addiction Treatment

For those who may need flexibility, our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) offers tailored support for individuals battling substance use, mental health issues, or alcohol addiction through personalized therapy, psychiatric care, medication-assisted treatment, and diverse group therapy sessions. This program aims to foster the development of new coping mechanisms, healthier lifestyle choices, and a robust support network for accountability. Additionally, participants gain exclusive access to our extensive network of professionals, including medical doctors, therapists, and long-term rehab facilities, enhancing their journey towards recovery.


Outpatient Recovery Program in New Jersey

At Milestone, we offer a comprehensive Outpatient Program for patients struggling with substance use, mental health disorders, addiction, and other mental health issues. We help individuals continue receiving effective and holistic treatment services to keep their sobriety intact while keeping their lives on track. Our outpatient program provides a flexible and convenient treatment option for those who are committed to recovery but require the flexibility to maintain their daily responsibilities.

Latest Resources From Our Blog

The Milestone Addiction Treatment blog serves as your go-to hub for the latest insights, updates, and motivational stories on addiction and recovery. Stay tuned for frequent updates with fresh and engaging content.

Embrace Sobriety Starting Now


Experience Comprehensive Wellness at Milestone Addiction Treatment: Addressing the Entire Individual

Recovery from substance abuse or alcohol dependence encompasses more than just the physical symptoms; it's crucial to nurture the mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being of the individual for true, lasting sobriety. At Milestone Addiction Treatment, our holistic approach integrates comprehensive care for the mind, body, and spirit alongside medical management of withdrawal and addiction symptoms. Our seamlessly integrated treatment plans aim to alleviate discomfort and provide empathetic, supportive healthcare throughout the journey, ensuring a foundation for sustained recovery.



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The Path to Recovery Starts Now – Begin Your Journey Today

Begin Your Recovery Today at Milestone Addiction Treatment of New Jersey: Proudly Serving Cherry Hill & The Tri-State Area

Now is the best time for you or your loved one to start the journey toward healing from alcohol or drug dependence. Don't face withdrawal risks alone; our premium addiction treatment center provides a secure, luxurious setting for recovery. Begin the process today and restore harmony in your life, embracing recovery in a setting designed for comfort